Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Continue to Give Thanks

I made the commitment to give Thanks daily for a month, and I hope you did it along with me. I will not post daily my thanks to God any longer, but through this I have learned to do Give thanks daily for my blessings--big and small. I hope that you will continue to share with God those blessings that you are thankful for. I hope you enjoyed my journey--and yours, too--of Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving, and Thank You, God, for all of our blessings.

Thursday, November 24th - Thanks (Psalm 136:1)
I am simply going to thank God for the ability to give Thanks at anytime. This has been a wonderful journey of giving Thanks to God daily for the past month. I pray that for all of us we will continue to daily give God the thanks for all He does. There is constantly something we could give Him thanks for, and I pray we take the time to do so. Don't let your thanksgiving stop. Make it a daily habit!

Wednesday, November 25th - Heart (Psalm 139:13)
One thing that amazes me is the fact that from the moment of conception and from the moment the heart starts beating in the womb, it is that heartbeat that will carry a person through life--for many, many years. We don't typically stop and think about our heart beating, but we know that if it stops, our life ceases to be. Thank God for the beating heart that is working inside each of us. Thank Him for the way He wonderfully and perfectly made our bodies. Thank Him for each beat of the heart that keeps you alive to enjoy His blessings. Thank You, God!

Tuesday, November 23rd - Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)
I am thankful for the Holy Spirit living in me. What reassurance we have in knowing that we don't do life alone...that we are never away from the Power of God. Because with the Spirit of God, we have Christ in us. Christ promised the Holy Spirit would come to us, and it did. Thank God for living within you through His Spirit. Understand that you constantly have the strength and the power of God within you. Thank You God for the Holy Spirit which lives in me.

Monday, November 22nd - Jesus Christ (John 3:16)
I need a Savior. You need a Savior. Our Savior is not going to be found in anything in this World. There is only one thing that can save us from our sins--Jesus Christ. Thank God for sending His son to live as our example, to die on a cross, and to resurrect from the grave. Thank God for allowing us to have a relationship with Him through His Son. Because of God's love for us and for giving His Son, we have the hope of victory over death, the knowledge of our sins being forgiven, and the hope of eternity with Christ in Heaven forever. Thank God for Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Sunday, November 21st - Scriptures (2 Timothy 3;16)
Thank God for His word. Thank Him for the wisdom, encouragement, and promises that are held within it. Also, Thank Him for the fact that you have a Bible--or several. I think we take for granted the fact that we have the opportunity to read God's Word. There are people in this world who don't have a Bible for various reasons. Thank God for the fact that you can go to His Word at any time.

Saturday, November 20th - Forgiveness (Colossians 3:13 / Luke 7:49)
I am thankful for the forgiveness that God has offered to each of us to have our sins taken away. Also, I am glad that we can offer and receive forgiveness when we need to in our lives. It is such a great feeling when we forgive someone, or when we ask someone for forgiveness and they give it. Thank God for the gift of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection which ensures the forgiveness of our sins. Thank God for the ability to offer and receive forgiveness from each other.

Friday, November 19th - Running Water (John 4)
Before you think I have gone for a long shot on this are right. This is one that many of us take for granted everyday. We wake up at night to grab a drink. We use it in the morning for our shower. We brush our teeth with it. We use it to cook. We use it for our toilets. Did you ever stop to thank God for the fact that you have water at your disposal at any time. There are some who do not have clean, running water accessible at just anytime they want it. Thank God that you are able to live a life that allows you fresh, running water whenever you want it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wow....I did not realize I was so far behind in updating the blog online. I noted when I began this that I was not good at remembering to do this, and it shows. I will now proceed to get my Thanksgiving Blog current pulling from my journal. Entries may be very brief...

Thursday, November 18th: Photos
Photos are something we have on the wall, on shelves, in our wallets--photos are everywhere we look. However, we don't really think about how glad we are to have them until someone passes away and we go back to the photos of their life with us, or if a fire or something else threatens these memories caught on paper. I am thankful that God gave someone the knowledge of how to create a way to make memories last forever in this way. It is always such a wonderful event to pull out some old photos and take a stroll down memory lane. Look around at the photos in your home, on your desk at the office, or the ones nestled in your wallet and be thankful for those memories that you have to constantly look at. Thank You, God, for photos and for all the wonderful memories they represent.

Wednesday, November 17th: Hope of Heaven (Revelation 21-22)
God created such a beautiful place for us to live on earth, but I am even more thankful for the place where I will spend eternity. Heaven. It is a place that we cannot fully begin to understand, but it is a place that every Christian desires to be. It is a wonderful hope to know that when our time on this earth is over, we have a beautiful place to spend eternity with our Savior. Thank you, God, for the Hope of Heaven and for allowing us to be there with you forever.

Tuesday, November 16th: Laughter (Ecclesiastes 3:4)
Some say that being a Christian is no fun...they must not be hanging around the same Christians I do. I am thankful for Laughter, and the way that when we get together as brothers and sisters in Christ, that we are able to laugh and enjoy each other's company. I enjoy hearing little jokes, little comments, and other things that make me laugh. They say laughter is good medicine, and I believe it is. Thank You, God, for creating Laughter and for allowing me to have the people in my life who cause me to laugh.

Monday, November 15th: Baptism (Romans 6:3-5)
Every baptism I participate in is a little different and each is very special for the person being baptized. I am thankful for Salvation, for the new life that Jesus Christ offers to each of us. I am thankful for baptism to wash away our sins and allow our lives to begin anew in Jesus Christ. Perhaps, we should stop and remember our baptism and the feeling we had at that moment. It is a wonderful experience to remember and reflect on. Thank you, Lord, for salvation and baptism. Thank you for the new life I am able to live.

Sunday, November 14th: Talent of Playing Piano (Ephesians 5:19)
I'm not the greatest, but I am thankful for the ability that God has given me to be able to play some keyboard. It is such a blessing to me to be able to play music, knowing that the God I play songs about is the God who gave me the ability to play. Thank you, God, for this talent. I will always use it for your Glory.

Saturday, November 13th: Sports
I really had to think today, but Sports popped in my mind as something I am thankful for. You may think this is odd, but I am glad that God gave those who invented the different sports the thought to do so. Do you ever stop and thank God for football when you are sitting with family enjoying a game? Do you ever stop and thank God for baseball when you are cheering your team home? Do you ever stop and thank God for Volleyball when you are out on the court exercising and having fun? Sports is another gift God has given us to enjoy. Don't forget to thank Him for everything.

Friday, November 12th: Transportation
I don't often think about anything when I get in the car, turn the key in the ignition, put it in gear and drive off. However, when you see someone walking somewhere carrying many sacks of groceries because they don't have a car, it makes you think. Having a car is something many of us take for granted because it is just one of the "luxuries" we have to come to expect. However, there are many who do not have or cannot afford cars. Thank You, God, for blessing me and my family with vehicles.

Thursday, November 11th: Veterans/Military (2 Chronicles 7:14)
I am thankful to live in the greatest country that God created. Yes, God has given us this country to live in and flourish in. I am so thankful everyday for those who have fought and given their lives over the history of America to keep us safe, free, and the best Country in the world. I am still thankful today for all those who continue to serve and fight to keep us safe and free. Thank You, God, for America and those who fight to protect it. Please watch over them, Lord.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10th - Health! (3 John 1:2)
A few months back, I was having some digestive issues and went to the doctor. After some tests, he told me I have a hiatal hernia. Some times I never even realize it, but there are days that are very uncomfortable for me and I have quite a bit of hurt in my chest. I am thankful for every day that passes when I feel great, and even on the days or nights when this hernia is bothering me, I am still thankful that in all other aspects, I am healthy. Most times, we take our good health for granted. When the days, weeks, months, and years go by when nothing bothers us, we never think about our health. But when that moment of pain, or when that sickness hits us in the middle of a good day, we realize that these bodies are not immune to illness. Lord, Thank you for the good health I have and thank you for blessing me even on some of the painful days.

Tuesday, November 9th - Youth! (I Timothy 4:12)
Youth. Some adults dread that age group in life. For some reason our society has a tainted impression of those who fall in the "teen category". Personally, I love that age group. It may be awkward and difficult at times, but it is also a time of great new experiences and a time of tremendous growth and decisions in a person's life. Youth are a special group of People. I firmly believe that the youth have the power to change the world for the better, if the adults would give them the opportunity. Don't look down on the teenagers you know and say, "oh, they're just teenagers." Rather, raise the standards in your mind of them and say, "wow, look at what these teenagers can do." Thank You, God, for teenagers and for all they are capable of doing.

Monday, November 8th - Birthdays! (Genesis 9:29)
Tonight we had a small dinner for my dad's birthday. It made me think about how we make a big deal out of Childrens birthdays, and then as we get older, we only think about those birthdays that begin the new decades--30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, etc. Every birthday should be remembered as a special day. It is a celebration of the days and years that God has blessed you with. It is a celebration of all that you have been able to accomplish, big and small. Birthdays are a time to think about where you have been and what still lies ahead of you. Don't dread birthdays, but rather Thank God for them. It is another day that God has given you the opportunity to be with those you care about.

Sunday, November 7th - Sharing with others! (Luke 3:11)
Rachel and I just finished filling up our boxes for the Operation Christmas Child and got them ready to go. It is such a joy to be able to share with others just a part of what we have. I pray that what we are sharing with others brings a smile to their face and warms their heart while sharing the love of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to have had so many people in my life teach me the art of sharing, and I am thankful that God has given me a desire and a heart to share.

Saturday, November 6th - Technology!

As much as I might try to fight it thinking back to the "Good 'ole days", I still enjoy the luxury of being able to make contact with anyone, anytime. The ease of sending an email, or calling a friend on the whim is a great thing. I am thankful for things like facebook that allow me to reconnect with those that I would otherwise not be in contact with. Thank you, Lord, for allowing us the ability to use technology in a good way. Also, the fact that I can type out documents with such ease is a nice thing and what a blessing to be able to access a world-wide web full of Bible translations, commentaries, and study guides.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm not used to updating this blog yet, so I'm adding these from my Thanksgiving Journal to catch up.

Thankful for:

Friday, November 5th - Encouragement from others! (Romans 12:8)
I was given the greatest gift this month for Pastor Appreciation. It was a book containing letters and encouraging words from families and individuals at New Hope. I have a file already that I go to from time to time when I need a pick-me-up, and this book of letters will be one that I will easily grab when I need to know that what I do is making a difference. Life is tough at times for all of us, but it doesn't matter what you are experiencing,--joy or sorrow--encouragement from others means alot. I am thankful to those who have the gift of encouragement to lift myself and others up. Thank you, God, for bringing so many people in my life to encourage me and others.

Thursday, November 4th - Home! (Luke 10:38-42)
I am thankful for the home that God has blessed Rachel, Tucker and myself to live in. I am thankful that we are able to use our home to grow as a family and to grow with our church family. It is a place where we are creating some great memories, and a place that is a refuge from the world around us. Too often, when we pull in our driveway, open the door, and sit on the couch in our living room, we forget those who have no place to call home. Don't take for granted the house, apartment, etc. that you call home. Home is where the heart is, that's true, but I am also thankful for the home that my body is allowed to rest and live life in. Give Thanks to God as you look around your home and think of all that God has given to you.

Wednesday, November 3rd - Food! (John 21:10-14)
I am thankful for food. You can probably look at me and be able to know that fact. However, I am thankful that I am able to have food in my home, that I can enjoy food with others, and that I can enjoy a variety of food. There are those who have medical, financial issues, etc., who do not get to enjoy the food that we might take for granted. In this scripture in John, I imagine the excitement of the disciples as they are able to enjoy the catch of the day with Jesus Christ. Give Thanks to God for the food that you enjoy today and everyday.

Tuesday, November 2nd - Nature! (Genesis 1)
Growing Up, I always enjoyed going to my elderly neighbor's home because her yard was always well-maintained and her backyard almost appeared like a wooded setting within the city. My favorite feature of her backyard was a fishpond full of variable-sized goldfish fed by a waterfall. I always knew that when I got a home, I would put in a pond with fish. Now, we have one. When I step onto the back porch at our home, I am drawn by the sound of the waterfall in our pond. It is full of some goldfish that have become like family. The pond, itself, is surrounded by flowering perennials and it is such a wonderful place to observe nature and reflect on the beauty of God. I love nature--flowers, trees, animals, etc.--and I am thankful to God for creating it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thankful for:

-Monday, November 1st - Rain! (Joel 2:22-24)
I was sitting in the recliner about to update my blog, and just about the moment I began to think about what I was thankful for tonight, I heard a few drops of rain hitting the window. Rain. I am thankful that God provides those refreshing, heavenly drops just when He knows we need them. I have wanted rain for my grass and plants for some time, and our faithful God is providing the refreshing rain as I type. Thank You, God, for providing the Rain and beautiful weather that we are able to enjoy.

-Sunday, October 31st - Church! (Acts 2:42-47)
Today was an incredible day--Church was wonderful. God continues to bless New Hope with visitors. We are moving forward with some building expansions to accommodate growth. We spent the afternoon with many church folks at a community Halloween event. I received an amazing gift of letters from church family for Pastor Appreciation Month--New Hope is a great blessing to myself and so many others. As I think of Acts 2:42-27, I keep thinking of how we are heading this direction and how faithful God is to New Hope. I have been part of several churches in my life, but I am so blessed to call New Hope Christian Church my "home", and I am so thankful that God allows me to be the Pastor to such wonderful people.

-Saturday, October 30th - Friends! (John 21:4-6)
God has blessed me at different times and different seasons of my lives with many friends. I am so thankful and glad to have each person at that point in my life. I am also very thankful for those that currently bless me and my family in so many ways. I am glad to be called a friend by many, and so thankful to have so many others that I can call, "friend"!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thankful for: Rest! (Genesis 2:2)
As the day draws to a close, we often look back at our days. Some are filled with many activities--jobs, hobbies, family time, shopping, exercise, friends, etc--but some are not so busy. Regardless, as the day draws to a close, I look forward to rest. I think upon the example that God set for us in Genesis. As He created the beautiful Heavens and Earth, and everything in them, He looked at His creation that he created in six days, and then he took a rest on the seventh day. Our "seventh day" doesn't come often sometimes. It seems that we go and go, but I am thankful for those moments of rest that I am able to find. Whether it is 30 minutes, 5 hours, or a whole day, I am thankful for the rest that God allows me to enjoy. We need to make sure we take time for rest. God rested, and so should we. Be thankful for your moments of rest!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thankful for: Time! (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

There is usually many items on our agendas everyday. Mine seems to constantly be filled up with the activities of my ministry, the activities of our family, and the personal activities that I choose to do. Tonight, as I just sat down to begin typing away on the computer, Rachel reminded me that we had not carved our pumpkins for Halloween. Somewhat grudgingly, I put down the computer, and headed to the kitchen to prepare the table for the annual carving--but this year was different. This would be Tucker's first time to carve pumpkins--or rather play with the seeds. As we did our thing and carved our jack-o-lantern, I thought about how thankful I am that God gives us truly a "time for everything". There is a time for it all--if we choose to arrange our schedules and make the time. So, as Rachel sat Tucker by the our glowing pumpkin on the front porch for a picture, I thanked God that He gives us "Time"--and a time for everything!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thankful for: Sight! (Mark 10:46-52)

As I sit at the desk in my office and work, I glance up at the little boy, my son, who is running around playing with his toys and anything else he figures he might get away with. As I looked up to watch him play, I realized I am thankful for something most take for granted every day--our Vision, our sight. I am so thankful to God that he has given me eyes and vision so that I can watch my son do all the weird little gestures and things he does, but that I can also look at his handsome face and watch all the changes as he grows. I am so thankful that God has given me sight to see Rachel, my family, nature, this computer, and everything else that I desire to see. Thanks God!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thankful for:

-Sunday, October 24th: Family! (Colossians 3:18-21)
I am thankful for my family and for the way we strive to be a Biblical model of the family. God has blessed me with an amazing, caring wife and a handsome, inquisitive little son. I am also thankful for all my family--parents, sibling, relatives, etc.--and for all those who share this love with us.

-Monday, October 25th: Wisdom/Experience! (Psalm 119:129-136)
I am thankful that God allows me to learn His ways from the experiences--successes and failures--in my life. I am thankful for His guidance and for the fact that He is leading me in His direction. Sometimes it takes me a while to see what His way might be for me, but He is faithful, and when I realize God's wisdom, I feel more than blessed.

-Tuesday, October 26th: Music! (Psalm 33:1-11)
For those who know me, this is a tremendous gift I am thankful God has given to us. There is something about music that can bring people together and express feelings in a way that everyone can understand. I could not imagine my life without music as a part of it. I am thankful for God designing music for us to enjoy, but more importantly as a way to worship Him. It is also a blessing to see Tucker, my son, already enjoying music as he hits the keyboard, or strums the guitar that he is not supposed to. He is just drawn to music, and I look forward as God possibly develops this talent within Him, too.

Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving! This is one of the themes that runs through the book of Colossians. Colossians 2:6-7 says, "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." For those who are rooted in Christ, Thanksgiving should be evident to God in all we do. People should look at the gratitude we continuously display and know that we are children of God.

This past Sunday (October 24th), I handed out a notepad and asked each person at church to take and begin a daily log of those blessings in their lives. We will continue this through Thanksgiving season, but my prayer is that it will continue as a daily habit. I would like for each of them, as well as each of you to daily write down those blessings you are thankful for...and you can't repeat for the first 30 days. Each day, we need to tell God something different that we are thankful for.

Now...I am not the best at writing on this blog. However, I will write as often as possible for the next 30 days as I share with you all those things that I am thankful for.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stepping Out: Joshua Sermon Series

Come join us as we go on the adventure with Joshua as he leads the Israelites on their conquest of the Promised Land. Joshua was a man called by God to Step Out and lead God's people to take the land God had promised to them. There are many lessons we can learn from Joshua as he leads God's people. We all need to Step Up in some area of our lives, and the knowledge gained from the life of Joshua will enable us all to do just that. It's time to Step Up and live the life that God wants us to--come join us and learn how!
Signs of Spring are everywhere, and it is such a beautiful time. The darkness and "death" of winter is taken away by the richness and beauty of the color palette that shows up all over the countryside--from the flowers on the ground to the trees and up to the sky above. Signs and reminders of new life are everywhere. At Easter, we will celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior, who gives us the hope of a new and everlasting life with Him. Are you living the new life that Christ offers? Are you enjoying the newness of Spring? Each time you see the beauty and new life found every moment in nature and in those around you, reflect upon the newness of life that God offers. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" -- Live this truth!!
In His Love, Michael R.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Beginning...

I am venturing into the world of blogging, and taking some time right now to get everything established and set-up to make sure I know how this operates. So, be ready for all the words of wisdom (maybe) and life stuff I will be sharing in the days and times that lay ahead.