Friday, October 29, 2010

Thankful for: Rest! (Genesis 2:2)
As the day draws to a close, we often look back at our days. Some are filled with many activities--jobs, hobbies, family time, shopping, exercise, friends, etc--but some are not so busy. Regardless, as the day draws to a close, I look forward to rest. I think upon the example that God set for us in Genesis. As He created the beautiful Heavens and Earth, and everything in them, He looked at His creation that he created in six days, and then he took a rest on the seventh day. Our "seventh day" doesn't come often sometimes. It seems that we go and go, but I am thankful for those moments of rest that I am able to find. Whether it is 30 minutes, 5 hours, or a whole day, I am thankful for the rest that God allows me to enjoy. We need to make sure we take time for rest. God rested, and so should we. Be thankful for your moments of rest!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thankful for: Time! (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

There is usually many items on our agendas everyday. Mine seems to constantly be filled up with the activities of my ministry, the activities of our family, and the personal activities that I choose to do. Tonight, as I just sat down to begin typing away on the computer, Rachel reminded me that we had not carved our pumpkins for Halloween. Somewhat grudgingly, I put down the computer, and headed to the kitchen to prepare the table for the annual carving--but this year was different. This would be Tucker's first time to carve pumpkins--or rather play with the seeds. As we did our thing and carved our jack-o-lantern, I thought about how thankful I am that God gives us truly a "time for everything". There is a time for it all--if we choose to arrange our schedules and make the time. So, as Rachel sat Tucker by the our glowing pumpkin on the front porch for a picture, I thanked God that He gives us "Time"--and a time for everything!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thankful for: Sight! (Mark 10:46-52)

As I sit at the desk in my office and work, I glance up at the little boy, my son, who is running around playing with his toys and anything else he figures he might get away with. As I looked up to watch him play, I realized I am thankful for something most take for granted every day--our Vision, our sight. I am so thankful to God that he has given me eyes and vision so that I can watch my son do all the weird little gestures and things he does, but that I can also look at his handsome face and watch all the changes as he grows. I am so thankful that God has given me sight to see Rachel, my family, nature, this computer, and everything else that I desire to see. Thanks God!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thankful for:

-Sunday, October 24th: Family! (Colossians 3:18-21)
I am thankful for my family and for the way we strive to be a Biblical model of the family. God has blessed me with an amazing, caring wife and a handsome, inquisitive little son. I am also thankful for all my family--parents, sibling, relatives, etc.--and for all those who share this love with us.

-Monday, October 25th: Wisdom/Experience! (Psalm 119:129-136)
I am thankful that God allows me to learn His ways from the experiences--successes and failures--in my life. I am thankful for His guidance and for the fact that He is leading me in His direction. Sometimes it takes me a while to see what His way might be for me, but He is faithful, and when I realize God's wisdom, I feel more than blessed.

-Tuesday, October 26th: Music! (Psalm 33:1-11)
For those who know me, this is a tremendous gift I am thankful God has given to us. There is something about music that can bring people together and express feelings in a way that everyone can understand. I could not imagine my life without music as a part of it. I am thankful for God designing music for us to enjoy, but more importantly as a way to worship Him. It is also a blessing to see Tucker, my son, already enjoying music as he hits the keyboard, or strums the guitar that he is not supposed to. He is just drawn to music, and I look forward as God possibly develops this talent within Him, too.

Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving! This is one of the themes that runs through the book of Colossians. Colossians 2:6-7 says, "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." For those who are rooted in Christ, Thanksgiving should be evident to God in all we do. People should look at the gratitude we continuously display and know that we are children of God.

This past Sunday (October 24th), I handed out a notepad and asked each person at church to take and begin a daily log of those blessings in their lives. We will continue this through Thanksgiving season, but my prayer is that it will continue as a daily habit. I would like for each of them, as well as each of you to daily write down those blessings you are thankful for...and you can't repeat for the first 30 days. Each day, we need to tell God something different that we are thankful for.

Now...I am not the best at writing on this blog. However, I will write as often as possible for the next 30 days as I share with you all those things that I am thankful for.