Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stepping Out: Joshua Sermon Series

Come join us as we go on the adventure with Joshua as he leads the Israelites on their conquest of the Promised Land. Joshua was a man called by God to Step Out and lead God's people to take the land God had promised to them. There are many lessons we can learn from Joshua as he leads God's people. We all need to Step Up in some area of our lives, and the knowledge gained from the life of Joshua will enable us all to do just that. It's time to Step Up and live the life that God wants us to--come join us and learn how!
Signs of Spring are everywhere, and it is such a beautiful time. The darkness and "death" of winter is taken away by the richness and beauty of the color palette that shows up all over the countryside--from the flowers on the ground to the trees and up to the sky above. Signs and reminders of new life are everywhere. At Easter, we will celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior, who gives us the hope of a new and everlasting life with Him. Are you living the new life that Christ offers? Are you enjoying the newness of Spring? Each time you see the beauty and new life found every moment in nature and in those around you, reflect upon the newness of life that God offers. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" -- Live this truth!!
In His Love, Michael R.